Leil Tisha b’Av, 5782

August 6, 2022    
9:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Maariv for Motzai Shabbat at 9:30 PM followed by Eicha and Kinnot
(Eicha and Kinnot will be read by men and women)

Outside at The Sopher Home
555 West 252nd St., Riverdale, NY 10471
(The house is on the corner of 252nd and Netherland)

Weather permitting, we will be congregating in the backyard area.
Please enter from driveway of the home. There are pathways to access the backyard.

Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/429455694  Password: 113089

Fast of Tisha b’Av begins: August 6th at 8:05 PM
Chatzot Yom:  August 7th at 1:01 PM
Fast ends: August 7th at 8:38 PM